Majura FC – Return to Training Guidelines (May 2020)
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Majura FC expects every player, coach, parent, and club official to comply with these guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19 and to keep everyone in the community safe. Majura FC also recommends you download the COVIDSafe app. These guidelines will be updated regularly in line with public health advice and directives from governing bodies.
For now, training will not be the same as training used to be. The following guidelines have been developed by the AIS and Capital Football to comply with Commonwealth and ACT Government requirements and public health advice. In the ACT, from May 29, we now need to comply with the ACT Governments Stage 2.1 restrictions.
Attendance at Training
In the event of a COVID-19 positive result within the football community, clubs may be required to support contact tracing efforts by ACT Health (including access to records related to training and groupings). To enable this, teams and clubs are required to record team training sessions and attendance at training. The coach or manager must record every player and parent/carer attending training sessions. Majura will provide every team coach and manager with an attendance register and players contact details in case a player begins to feel unwell.
Participants are not to attend training if they:
- Feel unwell or have any flu-like symptoms
- Have travelled overseas or been exposed to a person with COVID-19 in the preceding 14 days
- Are at a high risk from a health perspective, including the elderly and those with pre-existing medical health conditions
Field Setup and Training Times
To ensure Stage 2.1 restrictions are being met at training, start times of trainings will be staggered, and the following field set up will be in place at Dickson Fields for training to meet the social distancing rules. If you have more than twenty people attending training in one session, then you will need two training fields. Under Stage 2.1:
- Coaches can work with multiple groups (of up to 20 individuals per group) on the same afternoon/evening and on multiple consecutive days per week however, they must ensure that the equipment is cleaned between groups or use different equipment for each group. They must also ensure hands are washed or sanitised between groups.
- Players cannot move between groups of 20 and training cannot be delivered in stations. Players should only have contact with a maximum of 20 other people for the entirety of traini
Ages | Group Size | Training Area Required | Training Fields Suitable |
U7 – U11 | 20 people | 40 m x 20 m | 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B, 8A, 8B, 3A, 3B |
U12 – U18 | 20 people | 60 m x 40 m | 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 4A, 4B (or whole fields 5, 6, 7, 8) |
Seniors | 20 people | 60 m x 40 m | 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 4A, 4B (or whole fields 5, 6, 7, 8) |
Due to the relatively large number of fields at Dickson we will not be setting training times based on age groups however, there will be compulsory start and finish times for training sessions (3.15-4.30pm, 4.45-6.00pm, 6.15-7.30pm and 7.45-9.00pm). Teams must book fields for either weeknights or weekends and will not be allowed to train without a booking. It is important that the club knows what teams are training both where and when in case an incident of COVID-19 needs to be traced. If you are not training at Dickson, you are still required to notify the club so that we have a complete training register for tracing purposes.
There will be no guarantee that you will get the exact field or time you request. We will have to fit teams in as per the field areas required which effectively halves our capacity at Dickson. We will also be staggering start times so that there is no congestion around the carpark. We have allowed a 15-minute set up time for each training session and 15 minutes for teams to clear their training field before the next session. We require all junior teams (U7-U18) to limit their training to one hour per session so we can fit everyone in.
Please make your training booking with the Club Administrator by email
Once you have booked a training session, the club will contact your coach about collecting your training kit and presenting your Working with Vulnerable People card. Collection of training kits will be timetabled before training to limit gatherings to less than 20 and allow social distancing. The Equipment Officer will notify coaches of their collection time.
Rules at Training
The following rules are to be applied at all training sessions under Level B restrictions. Please try to enter and exit Dickson Playing Fields as per the map below to avoid any congestion points.
Before Training
- Advise all players and team officials to wash their hands with soap and water or sanitise their hands before training starts preferably at home however soap and water will be available in the toilets at Dickson. Changerooms, the clubhouse and the canteen will not be open during training.
- Please avoid car-pooling where possible, to and from training
- Players and team officials to turn up no earlier than 15 minutes prior to training
- Children are to be accompanied by one parent/carer only (and siblings as required)
- Where possible, parents/carers are encouraged to remain in the car and only to come out to drop off or collect the player. If parents cannot remain in the car, they are to remain at least 3 metres from the field of play as well as keeping 1.5 metres from other people.
- Only the coach is to handle and set up equipment for training sessions
- No sharing of pens or clipboards, each team official must bring their own to venues
During Training
- Only low contact skills (eg ball work in pairs – no tackling) and non-contact skills can be conducted (eg striking the ball, running with the ball, first touch and conditioning). Any contact should be incidental and occasional.
- Games are not permitted (including practice matches, modified training games). At this stage Majura will not be including any bibs in training kits however, they will be available for collection once games are allowed.
- A coach can coach more than one group of 20 individuals a day, however, they must ensure that the equipment is cleaned between groups or utilise different equipment for each group. They must also ensure they wash or sanitise their hands before moving to a new group.
- Players cannot move between groups of 20 and training cannot be delivered in stations. Players should only have contact with 20 other people for the entirety of training.
- Heading of the ball may occur during the natural process of a skill however, practicing heading by picking up the ball and throwing is not permitted
- Handling of the ball should be kept to a minimum, including drills with goal keepers
- No sharing of drink bottles, shin-pads, towels, clothing
- No shaking of hands, high-fives, or body contact
- Cover mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze. If using tissues, place them directly in the bins provided at the fields.
- Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not clean
- No spitting at any time
- If a team official or player starts to feel unwell whilst at training, they are to leave immediately
After Training
- Ensure that all players and team officials are advised to wash their hands with soap and water after training finishes or use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
- Players and team officials must leave the training field immediately after training has finished
- No team meetings, dinners or social gatherings are to occur. Any theory sessions should be conducted online.
Please click here for more information.