Hello Majura FC Family
It is hard to believe that we are coming to the end of the season with only three rounds to go. COVID-19 and the recent wet weather, means this season has been long on administration and short on the good stuff – games, training and Rhonda’s cooking!
We’ve tried to keep you as informed as possible as we navigated our way through restrictions and back to safe play. I want to thank you for your patience and for sticking out the season, this means a lot to the club.
The end of season means trophies and awards including Coach of the Year, Players Player (for U12 – U18 teams) and participation trophies/medallions for all players. Presentation Day will run in a COVID safe way this year so no gathering age groups together to hand out trophies. Our U5-6 Pee Wees will presented their trophies after their last game by our Super Heroes and their side kicks. For all other teams please send one person to collect your trophies/medallions at the clubhouse on the last day of the season, 26 September 2020. Your team can organise it’s own Mini Presentation Day whenever it suits the team.
You may have heard that Majura has approached Capital Football about entry into the National Premier League Youth (NPLY) competition next season. We based our application on the success and size of our club, the depth of talent we possess and our inclusive and strong club culture which we believe will also bring success at the Premier League level. Majura wants to offer our players an opportunity to play at every level of the game. We have a passion to develop and grow our players and the game and entry into NPLY is a growth opportunity for our club. We will keep you posted over the coming weeks on Capital Football’s decision and the next steps for Majura.
See you around the grounds,
President, Majura FC
Coach of the Year 2020
If your coach has done a great job this year, and not just with results but that the players enjoyed themselves and improved their play, then nominate them for coach of the year. It is a great way to acknowledge the many hours of work that our dedicated coaches put into their teams. Nomination criteria are here.
Parking at Dickson College
Dickson College has sent a request to all our members asking you to stop parking on the oval area next to Dickson fields. We have noticed it is being used on both training nights and game days as a parking area. Please park in the College car park not on the oval area and avoid a parking fine. Here’s the request from the College:
Unfortunately, our oval has been significantly damaged due to vehicles being driven through our property in order to park by the tree line and watch the weekend sports events. In order to rehabilitate this area we will be installing fencing and road blocks to discourage vehicles entering our grounds. We will also be inviting City Rangers on site to issue parking infringement notices to all vehicles parked on areas that are not a designated parking spot. This is a courtesy email which we encourage you to share with your members and associates so they can avoid the unnecessary cost of receiving a parking fine.
Important Season Dates
September 13 North Canberra Futsal Team Nominations Close
September 26-27 Last Round of the Season