Majura Spring-Summer Programs

Majura has a number of programs running over the next few months so check out what’s happening below and register to join in some football fun.

Majura FC Skills Academy and Minis Academy

Majura is running our Skills Academy again in Term 4 for players aged 9-12, starting Friday 14 October and running for 9 weeks until Friday 9 December 2022. Also, this term we have added a Minis Academy for players born 2014-2017 (U5-U8). both Academies will be held at Dickson Playing Fields.

Cost is $85 per player and $40 for an optional Academy T-shirt (Skills Academy Only). You can register now on Play Football.


Girls Program

With the Womens World Cup less than a year away, Majura will be providing some extra opportunities for girls to play football. Our club has a proud history of supporting female participation in football and we want that to continue.

We are running summer football training for girls born 2011-2014 (U9-12 in 2023) which will start on Wednesday November 2 and run for 6 weeks. The training is free and will be held at Dickson Playing Fields from 5-6pm

CPLB Trials

It’s Capital Premier League trial time again. If you would like to play in the premier league with Majura FC then here’s your chance.

Trials start October 19 and conclude November 1. Please check the timetable above for your age group details. Register for the trials on the button below.


Emerging Program

The Emerging program is a junior development program based on Skill Acquisition training for players aged 9-12 years.

It was established with the aim to provide a challenging, fun and competitive training and playing environment for our talented and committed young players.


Visit our New Online Shop

Majura has teamed up with ‘This is Football’ to provide all our team wear and merchandise for season 2023. Majura’s Club Hub is online now so check out all our new merchandise at our Club Hub. Some great Christmas gift ideas!

Walking Football

Capital Football is running summer competitions for Walking Football at Mawson on Monday nights and Hawker on Wednesday nights. If your over 45 and looking for a great way to stay active and play football then register here.

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