Site Information
Majura Football Club website was initially developed by Simon Nix. The first version was released in January 2013 and the big update was deployed in May 2016. The website was active until the end of Season 2017 and you can visit Majura Football Club Website 2017.
Simon handed over this site to Ron Mansur on 11 April 2017 who developed the Majura FC website using WordPress with Unconditional Theme by WP Strap Code. This decision was made because the club required a website that can be maintained by any volunteer including those without programming background.
In October 2023, Ron updated the Majura FC website theme to Blocksy by Creative Themes and some pages are built using Elementor and Content Views.
In November 2023, Ron no longer volunteers with the Majura Football Club. This website is fully managed by the club.